Volvo Cars Korea completes sixth batch of Apprentice Training Programme

Volvo Cars Korea has held a graduation ceremony for the sixth batch of the Volvo Cars Apprentice Training Programme, a training course for professional technicians, at its training centre in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea.

The Apprentice Training Programme is Volvo Cars Korea's professional technician training programme that has been in operation since 2018. The programme is aimed at automotive-related majors from leading universities in Korea, and aims to develop professional technicians with a strong understanding of the brand and advanced technology, as well as customer service skills.

The sixth batch of trainees, selected from graduates and prospective graduates of automotive-related majors from 12 universities across the country, completed a curriculum that covered Volvo Cars' unique brand heritage, a range of advanced safety technologies, training in vehicle system checks and maintenance, and customer service and warranty policies for premium service in Saudi Arabia.

After completing all the training in the Apprentice Training Programme, the sixth cohort of trainees will be recruited as full-time technicians at authorised Volvo Cars service centres nationwide, starting in August, following a four-week on-the-job training and six-month internship.

"We will continue to provide our customers with differentiated Swedish premium service by developing highly qualified technicians with brand knowledge and expertise," said Kyung Ran Song, Head of Customer Service at Volvo Cars Korea.

Volvo Cars Korea has been offering differentiated services such as Volvo Personal Service (VPS), which matches technicians with customers on a one-to-one basis, and the Lifetime Parts Warranty, which covers any number of genuine parts replaced at cost through authorised service centres. The company has also been actively investing in improving customer service satisfaction by opening and expanding a total of six new and relocated showrooms and opening five new service centres this year.

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Photo Volvo Cars Korea

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