BMW Group Korea delivers four engine manuals to Aju Automotive University

BMW Group Korea handed over four BMW engines to Aju Automotive University on 4 April and held a ceremony to mark the occasion.

In January 2023, BMW Group Korea signed a business agreement with Aju Automotive University for the 'BMW Technical Apprentice Programme' to foster future automotive talent, and in April of the same year, BMW Group Korea opened a dedicated training centre for BMW Apprentices, equipped with labs and classrooms.

Under the agreement, Aju Automotive University held special classes for BMW's tailored Apprentice Programme for first and second year students last year. In the second semester, selected students in the BMW Apprentice Programme were offered internship opportunities at BMW Group Korea's official dealerships.

On the 4th of this month, a ceremony was held to hand over the engine, which will be used as a classroom teaching aid from this year. The ceremony, which took place at the BMW Group Training Academy in Jung-gu, Incheon, was attended by Kim Yeon-tae, Head of the Training Academy, and Professors Park Jang-woo and Choi Jun-ho of AJU.

At the event, four engines - two in-line four-cylinder petrol engines, one in-line six-cylinder diesel engine and one V8 petrol engine - were handed over to AJU along with an engine stand and will be used for BMW Apprentice training at AJU.

"We are pleased to be able to work closely with AJU and contribute to the students' career planning and technical career expansion," said Yeon-Tae Kim, Team Leader of BMW Group Korea. "BMW Group Korea will continue to support the development of future automotive professionals."

Meanwhile, the BMW Apprentice Programme is BMW Group Korea's flagship industry-academia collaboration programme for the development of automotive professionals. Since its inception in 2004 with eight universities, the programme has grown to 32 universities, and by 2023, a total of 1,673 students will have joined authorised BMW Group Korea dealerships through the Apprentice Programme.

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Photo BMW Korea

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