KG Mobility relaunches 'Four Wheels Together', conducts river clean-up activities

KG Mobility (KGM) has relaunched its in-house volunteer group, 'Four Wheels Together', and conducted environmental clean-up activities at Anseongcheon Stream in Pyeongtaek City, where KGM's headquarters is located, as part of its social contribution activities to give back to the local community. KGM Mobility, which is synonymous with 'four-wheel drive (4WD)', was re-launched and reorganised in 2017 as a way for KGM Mobility to 'go hand in hand' with the local community.

The event, which took place on the 26th of this month, was a social contribution activity organised by KGM's in-house volunteer group Four Wheels, the Pyeongtaek City Volunteer Centre, and the Global Environment and Forestry Council to improve the water quality of Anseong Stream to preserve the local environment.

About 20 participants, including the employee volunteer group, walked around Anseong Stream and threw EM soil balls into the stream to clean it. EM (Effective Micro-organisms) soil balls, which clean up the stream, are a combination of EM solution and red clay, and are effective in fermenting and decomposing organic matter, removing odours, and purifying water quality. In addition, the participants also cleaned up the environment of the stream, including collecting garbage discarded around Anseongcheon Stream.

Meanwhile, Four Wheels has been carrying out various social contribution activities such as blood donation campaigns, sponsoring the Pyeongtaek Briquette Sharing Bank, supporting local educational institutions, children's traffic safety campaigns, and serving free meals, and after a brief hiatus during COVID-19, it plans to resume its activities with this event and continue its activities in earnest through voluntary participation of employees.

"In order to fulfil our role as a company that grows together with the local community, we will carry out social contributions in conjunction with local organisations," said a member of the KGM Volunteer Corps. "Employees will take the lead in social contribution activities in various fields, not only environmental protection, to realize ESG management."

Article roadtesting editorial (

Photo KG Mobility

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