Hyundai, Kia announce call for 'Softier Bootcamp 2024'

Hyundai Motor Company and Kia Motors are recruiting participants for the Softeer Bootcamp 2024, a recruitment-linked training programme to train new software developers and recruit top talent, from Thursday, 2 May to Monday, 20 May.

Softier is a combination of the words "software" and "engineer" and means "frontier" in the field of automotive software. Hyundai Motor Group conducts various Softier activities such as coding tests to diagnose software competency, professional networking programmes, and online education.

Hyundai-Kia has been running the Soft Skills Bootcamp since 2023. This is the fourth edition of the Softier Bootcamp, which will expand the number of participants and provide practical training in various areas.

Hyundai-Kia will select a total of 85 participants in five fields: web backend, web frontend, service planning, design, and data engineering. This year's programme is characterised by the addition of data engineering to cover most SW-related roles. The recruitment is open to graduates of domestic and overseas universities from February '24 to those scheduled to graduate in '25 and can apply through the official website.

Applicants with basic coding skills and software fundamentals will be selected through an online assessment without an interview, and the training programme will run for a total of eight weeks from 1 July. After one month of theoretical training, participants will work on team projects. The fourth edition of the programme will include more cross-functional collaborative projects to help participants learn the development work process in the real world.

We will also organise counselling sessions with working developers so that participants can get a first-hand understanding of the job and consider their career path. The Softier Bootcamp will be offered entirely free of charge to university students so that they can gain practical experience to enhance their employability and contribute to the development of the developer ecosystem. Trainees will be provided with the necessary equipment for the training, including high-end laptops and developer tools, and will be rewarded for their achievements.

Participants in the soft skills bootcamp will be offered a recruitment placement. Graduates will be given the opportunity to join Hyundai and Kia IT roles through a training course assessment and final interview without the need for a paper assessment.

"Hyundai-Kia provides free training to IT companies to help university students who aspire to become developers grow into working talents," said Eun-sook Jin, Vice President of Hyundai-Kia ICT Headquarters. "We will continue to foster software developers in various roles to build a developer ecosystem and contribute to society."

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Photo Hyundai Motor Company

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