Volvo Cars Korea presents 'Yuki Kuramoto Concert' with Ferme Foundation

Volvo Cars Korea, together with the Ferme Foundation, which supports the rehabilitation and independence of people with disabilities, will host the Yuki Kuramoto Concert for families of children with disabilities and social workers at Shinhan Card SOL Pay Square in Mapo-gu, Seoul.

The Yuki Kuramoto concert was organised by Volvo Cars Korea and the Ferme Foundation, which has been working to improve the mobility rights of children with disabilities, to provide a warm and healing moment for the families of children with disabilities and social workers. Since 2017, Volvo Cars Korea has been working with the Ferme Foundation for eight years to provide customised assistive devices to children and young people with disabilities, and the programme has helped around 700 children and young people with disabilities to rehabilitate and become independent.

The concert, which will be held at Shinhan Card SOL Pay Square on the 29th, will be performed by pianist Yuki Kuramoto with a quartet. Volvo Cars Korea and the Ferme Foundation will invite approximately 350 people, including social welfare workers from the Ferme Foundation's related organisations, guests and members of the public, as well as selected social contribution project recipients such as families of children with disabilities.

"Together with the Ferme Foundation, which we have been working with for eight years, we have organised this concert to provide a small but warm moment for the families of children with disabilities and their loved ones," said Lee Yoon-mo, CEO of Volvo Cars Korea. "Volvo Cars Korea will continue to do its best to respect the value of life and create a safer world and a healthier society."

Meanwhile, Volvo Cars Korea has been engaged in a variety of CSR activities that prioritise Volvo's values of safety and sustainability. Since 2017, Volvo Cars Korea has been providing customised assistive devices to children and young people with disabilities to ensure their right to mobility with the Ferme Foundation, with cumulative donations of KRW 2 billion. In addition, we are also working with the Korea Childcare Promotion Agency on the 'Family Safety' campaign to address the declining birthrate and create a world where children and parents are happy.

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Photo Volvo Cars Korea

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