Honda Korea conducts traffic safety education for children at mobility café 'The Go'

Honda Korea held 'the go children's traffic safety education' for 60 kindergarten students in Gyeonggi-do at Honda Mobility Cafe 'the go' in Bundang, Gyeonggi-do on Friday (17th).

Honda is actively implementing safety education in each country that is appropriate to the local traffic culture, with the goal of achieving "zero traffic fatalities" as part of its 2050 Global Vision. In Korea, Honda Motorcycle Safe Driving Education is offered to dealers and general customers to establish a safe and enjoyable two-wheeled traffic culture, and Honda has newly launched a new car traffic safety education for children to raise awareness of car traffic accident prevention and safe traffic culture among a wider age group.

'The Go Children's Traffic Safety Education' consisted of a variety of programs tailored to children's eye level, including ▲ traffic safety through nursery rhymes, ▲ learning the 3 principles of crosswalks, and ▲ traffic safety OX quiz. In particular, the hands-on traffic safety education using crosswalk models, music and video materials, and cars and motorcycles on display at The Go attracted a lot of participation and response from children. Honda Korea also provided a child-sized safety umbrella as a gift for every child who participated.

"Through this traffic safety education, we hope that children will learn about traffic safety tips and practice them to make their mobile lives safer," said Lee Ji-hong, CEO of Honda Korea. "Honda Korea will continue to conduct various safety campaigns with the goal of zero traffic fatalities."

Meanwhile, Honda Mobility Café "The Go" officially opened on 27 April as a hybrid café, test drive, and cultural experience space. Customers can test drive major models of Honda cars and motorcycles under the guidance of Honda curators, and the café offers a differentiated experience with a comfortable, customer-centric interior and a variety of services including high-quality coffee and sweets.

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Photo Honda Korea

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