Volvo Cars Korea celebrates 'Volvo Ladies Day' with a bang

Volvo Cars Korea successfully concluded the first programme of the Volvo Ladies Salon 2024, the Volvo Ladies Day, on the 15th of this month.

The Volvo Ladies Salon is a lifestyle event that Volvo Cars Korea has been organising for women since 2022 and is designed as a place for women to share positive life energy, inspiration and experience the value of the 'Swedish lifestyle'.

Volvo Ladies Day, the kick-off event for Volvo Ladies Salon 2024, took place on 15 May at Lespas Etna in Gangnam, Seoul. The event was well received, with more than 200 women attending in total.

The main events of Volvo Ladies' Day included a botanical floral garden class, an art talk by docent Woochul Jung, and an inspirational talk. The botanical floral garden class was held in collaboration with British luxury flower brand McQueens Flower, and was inspired by the eco-friendly philosophy of Swedish gardens. In the art talk with docent Woochul Jung, we explored Swedish artists and artworks that are unfamiliar in Korea through the collection of the Nationalmuseum of Sweden.

The Inspiration Talks featured some of the best participants from Volvo Ladies Salon 2023, sharing stories of women in different walks of life. Gretchen Saegh-Fleming, CMO of Global Marketing at Volvo Cars, opened the event with a speech that encouraged the women to spread positive life energy and create a supportive network.

In addition, participants were able to experience the Swedish lifestyle indirectly through a round-the-clock experience programme where they could express their inner selves in a variety of ways and share their inspirations, as well as a 'Spring Garden Party' in an outdoor garden decorated with a 'Nordic Spring' motif.

Meanwhile, the 'Volvo Ladies Salon 2024' programme will communicate the brand's values to customers alongside the 'Volvo Ladies Day' and other Swedish lifestyle programmes.

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Photo Volvo Cars Korea

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