Kia hires to lead the future of mobility

Kia will be hiring new college graduates for the first half of the year for 15 days from 18 March to 1 April.

The recruitment will cover 19 positions in 12 categories, including Global Business Management, Purchasing, Management Support, Management Support (AutoLand Hwaseong), Product, Production (AutoLand Hwaseong, AutoLand Gwangju), Policy Development, Manufacturing Solution (Production Technology), Communication Centre, Special Business, Quality, and PBV Business.

Applicants must be graduating from a four-year university in August 2024 or hold a bachelor's or master's degree, and the final acceptance announcement and employment will be made in June, and preference will be given to people with disabilities, national meritors, low-income earners, and multicultural families in order to practice ESG management.

During the recruitment period, Kia will hold recruitment information sessions with current employees and human resources representatives to interact with job seekers. At the recruitment fairs, we will introduce the recruitment method and job duties, and provide detailed information on job seekers' needs through counselling.

Kia will hold an online job fair using Metaverse on Friday, 29 March, and will accept pre-registrations from 18 to 25 March through the application page ( Kia will also hold offline job fairs at four universities nationwide from 20 to 27 March. For more information on the new recruitment, please visit the Kia Recruitment website.

"We are planning to select key talents who will lead the construction of a new mobility ecosystem through PBV," said a Kia representative, "We hope to receive a lot of interest and applications from talented people who will lead the future of mobility."

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Photo Kia

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