BMW Korea Future Foundation launches 'Young Talent Dream Project 2024 Dream Drive'

The BMW Korea Future Foundation will host the Young Talent Dream Project 2024 Dream Drive on 11 August at Seongsu Space Wadiz, a multi-cultural space located in Seongsu-dong, Seoul, to give young people the opportunity to explore careers and experience culture.

The Young Talent Dream Project 2024 Dream Drive is an event designed to extend the Young Talent Dream Project's stage beyond the school grounds, where career lectures were previously held on campus, so that more students can explore careers and experience various programmes.

Various experience zones such as the BMW Korea Future Foundation History Wall and Dream Photo Zone have been set up as pre-programmes, and special souvenirs will be given to those who participate in each programme and complete the stamp mission. The programme will be held from 1pm to 5pm at the ground floor courtyard of the Holy Water Space Wadiz, and is open to anyone visiting the site.

The main programme, the Career Exploration Lecture, consists of two parts. In the first part, "Career Compass," Lee Kyung-eun, Manager of BMW Group Korea, will take the stage to share her knowledge and know-how on the main tasks and trends in the automotive industry.

The second part, "Dreaming Conversation," will be held in the form of a talk concert, where popular YouTube creator Mimi Minu will motivate students about their dreams and goals and share their career concerns based on her own experiences.

A total of 90 high school and university students who apply in advance will be selected to participate in the career exploration talks. Pre-applications are open until 4 August via the BMW Korea Future Foundation website (

Through this event, the BMW Korea Future Foundation will actively support more young people to discover their dreams and move forward with confidence.

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Photo BMW Korea

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