Cadillac has recently opened four new service centres this year, including the Seoul Service Centre and Suwon Service Centre, to provide premium services for the highest customer satisfaction...
Read moreDetailsBMW Korea will launch four online-only editions of its August range on 19 August at 3pm via the BMW Shop Online. In August, the latest new models...
Read moreDetailsRenault Korea, together with the Renault Group, the Seoul Centre for Creative Economy and Innovation and the Korea International Trade Association, is launching the '2024 Startup Open Stage' to recruit promising startups to collaborate on future vehicle technologies. '2024 Startup...
Read moreDetailsPremier Motors, Ford Korea's authorised dealer, will officially sponsor the 9th Ulsan Ulju World Mountain Film Festival, which will be held from 27 September to 1 October at the Yeongnam Alps Complex Welcome Centre and Ulsan Grand Park in Ulju County. The Ulsan Ulju World Mountain Film Festival is a global event that showcases mountain culture, sports,...
Read moreDetailsHyundai Motor Company (including Genesis) and Kia Motors are launching the 'Electric Vehicle Relief Check Service'. Hyundai and Kia are offering free check-ups for electric vehicle owners who visit their service bases nationwide...
Read moreDetailsKG Mobility (KGM) has unveiled pricing and product details for the all-new Actyon and is now on sale. The Actyon is the world's first coupé SUV (SUV), introduced in 2005...
Read moreDetails메르세데스-벤츠 코리아가 순수 전기차의 배터리 셀 공급사에 대한 정보를 오늘(13일)부터 공개하고, ‘메르세데스-벤츠 전기차 무상 점검’을 내일(14일)부터 실시한다. 메르세데스-벤츠 코리아는 소비자...
Read moreDetails폴스타가 8월13일 스페이스 서울에서 전기 퍼포먼스 SUV 쿠페(Electric performance SUV coupé) 폴스타 4(Polestar 4)를 국내 최초로 공개했다. 폴스타 4는 폴스타코리아가...
Read moreDetails한국수입자동차협회(KAIDA)가 2024년 7월 및 상반기 국내 수입차 판매량 통계를 공개했다. 신규 등록대수는 2만1,977대. 전월 성적인 2만5,300대보다 13.1% 감소했다. 올해 1~7월...
Read moreDetailsHyundai Motor Company and Kia Motors successfully demonstrated the crosswalk driving of an autonomous delivery robot at a crosswalk in front of Bugok Police Station in Uiwang City, Gyeonggi-do, on Friday (9th), with the participation of the National Police Agency, Korea Expressway Transport Corporation, and Uiwang City officials...
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