지프 어벤저를 시승했다. 유럽 전략형 B세그먼트 SUV로, 지프 최초의 순수 전기차이기도 하다. 4m 남짓한 덩치지만, 지프 고유의 디자인 요소과 셀렉-터레인...
Read moreDetails지난 7월 24일, 더 기아 EV3(The Kia EV3)를 시승했다. 기아가 전기차 대중화의 견인차 역할을 기대하는 B세그먼트 전기 SUV다. 지난달 부산모빌리티쇼에서...
Read moreDetailsThe Mini Cooper 3-Door has evolved into its fourth generation in 10 years. The first model to arrive in Korea was the 'S' version, powered by a 2.0-litre petrol turbocharged engine. The face and...
Read moreDetailsAudi Korea recently took the Q8 e-tron for a test drive on an on- and off-road route from Samseong-dong, Seoul to Yeoju, Gyeonggi Province. It is a partial facelift of the existing e-tron, which is now...
Read moreDetailsThe Polestar 3 is a five-seat electric performance SUV with up to 517 hp and 92.8 kg-m of torque, and serves as the brand's flagship. Its sophisticated yet simple interior and exterior...
Read moreDetailsWe test drove Cadillac's first all-electric vehicle, the LYRIQ. The Korean launch specification is the Sport single trim, which is the top of the LYRIQ line-up sold in North America....
Read moreDetails181 kilometres per hour. That's the speed at the end of the main straight at the Ingerspiele. The protagonist is neither a lightweight sports car nor a high-performance hatchback. It's the hybrid icon Toyota Prius. With its wedge-shaped design and...
Read moreDetailsThe Mercedes-AMG is a beast with two faces: the 'everyday' and the 'outrageous'. With its unassuming appearance, it blends into the road landscape, yet delivers the excitement you'd expect from a circuit whenever you want...
Read moreDetailsHonda's flagship models, the Accord & CR-V Hybrid. They have something in common. It's a two-motor hybrid system, a technology unique to Honda. Recently, the fourth generation...
Read moreDetailsWe checked the fuel efficiency of a Toyota Prius on a commute to work in the metropolitan area. The test car was the fifth-generation Prius Hybrid XLE, with certified fuel economy of 20.9, 21.5 and 20.3 km/l in the combined, city and highway...
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