토요타·렉서스, 컨슈머인사이트 품질조사 1위 및 2위 선정
자동차 리서치 전문기관 컨슈머인사이트(ConsumerInsight)가 실시한 ‘2024 연례 자동차 기획조사’에서 국산차와 수입차를 모두 포함해 ‘초기품질(TGW-i)’과 ‘내구품질(TGW-d)’ 부문 모두 토요타가 1위, 렉서스가 ...
자동차 리서치 전문기관 컨슈머인사이트(ConsumerInsight)가 실시한 ‘2024 연례 자동차 기획조사’에서 국산차와 수입차를 모두 포함해 ‘초기품질(TGW-i)’과 ‘내구품질(TGW-d)’ 부문 모두 토요타가 1위, 렉서스가 ...
한국토요타자동차가 후원하고 세종문화회관이 주최하는 ‘2024 누구나 꿈나무오케스트라 정기 연주회’가 지난 10 월 6일(일)에 세종문화회관 대극장에서 성황리에 마쳤다. 한국토요타자동차는 세종문화회관과의 업무협약(MOU)을 ...
한국토요타자동차가 추석 연휴 장거리 운행 후 고객들의 안전한 차량 운행을 위해 9월 23일(월)부터 10월 12일(토)까지 전국 렉서스·토요타 공식 서비스센터에서 ‘렉서스·토요타 ...
The 24 Hours of Le Mans endurance race. It is one of the most prestigious motorsport competitions in the world, which began in 1923. As its name suggests, it takes place over 24 hours in Le Mans, France...
At the global finals of the 2024 Toyota Dream Car Art Contest, the artwork "Puzzle Car" by Nam Moses, a first-grader at Yiim Middle School in Incheon, was selected for a special prize (Waku-doki Award). 'Toyota Dream Car ...
Toyota Motor Corporation of Korea will provide a special encouragement grant of KRW 100 million to the Korean athletes competing at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games, the first ever Paralympic Games...
Toyota Motor Corporation of Korea is offering a nationwide Lexus ... from 12 July to 31 August for customers who have suffered damages such as flooding and damage to their vehicles due to torrential rains this summer.
The Korea Association of Imported Motor Vehicles (KAIDA) has released statistics on domestic imported vehicle sales for June and the first half of 2024. In June, new registrations increased by 4.51 TP3T from May to 25,300 units. The cumulative sales for the first half of the year were...
Toyota Korea will launch the 2024 Toyota Summer Care Service Campaign from 17 June to 6 July to ensure safe and comfortable driving during the summer months. During this campaign...
The Korea Association of Imported Automobiles (KAIDA) has released the sales figures for imported cars in Korea for May 2024. The total number of units sold was 21,560. This is an increase of 12.31 TP3T from April and 13.41 TP3T from May last year. Last month, Mercedes-Benz...