지난해 친환경차 ‘70만7,853대’ 수출한 현대차·기아, 최다 수출 모델은 아반떼
현대차·기아 지난해 수출 실적을 잠정 집계한 결과, 하이브리드차와 전기차 등 친환경차 수출이 전년 대비 3% 증가한 70만7,853대를 기록했다. 이는 이전 ...
현대차·기아 지난해 수출 실적을 잠정 집계한 결과, 하이브리드차와 전기차 등 친환경차 수출이 전년 대비 3% 증가한 70만7,853대를 기록했다. 이는 이전 ...
181 kilometres per hour. That's the speed at the end of the main straight at the Ingerspiele. The protagonist is neither a lightweight sports car nor a high-performance hatchback. It's the hybrid icon Toyota Prius. With its wedge-shaped design and...
On the 24th, the Korea LPG Association signed a business agreement with the Korea Integrated Logistics Association at Kintex in Ilsan, Gyeonggi-do, to supply eco-friendly LPG 1-tonne courier trucks, and held a delivery ceremony to support three LPG trucks...
Premium commercial vehicle brand Scania has once again proved itself as the most fuel-efficient truck in the world by winning the Green Truck of the Year 2024 award. The Green Truck Award is presented by the German...
Honda's flagship models, the Accord & CR-V Hybrid. They have something in common. It's the 2-Motor Hybrid System, Honda's proprietary technology. Recently, in its fourth generation,...