Volvo Cars Korea distributes Family Safety traffic safety video and play materials

As part of the 'Family Safety' campaign, Volvo Cars Korea will produce 'Family Safety Traffic Safety Videos and Play Materials' in collaboration with the Korea Childcare Promotion Agency and distribute them to families through children's centres across the country.

The Family Safety Campaign, a joint initiative between Volvo Cars Korea and the Korea Childcare Promotion Institute, is an awareness-raising project aimed at reversing the declining birthrate in Korea, and has been running various programmes since May to raise positive awareness of childbirth and childcare and create a culture of happy parenting. The production and dissemination of the Family Safety traffic safety video and play materials is designed to promote traffic safety awareness among parents and children, and to create a society where parents and children are safe and happy.

Firstly, the traffic safety videos were created in two versions, one for parents and one for children. The parental video, which features a car seat from global car seat brand Brightex, includes information on the need for car seats, how to install them correctly, and precautions to take when driving with children, while the infant video is composed of quizzes that are easy for children to understand, such as wearing car seats and seat belts and what not to do in the car. The videos will be delivered to infants and toddlers (892,217 children) in daycare centres (27,571) under the jurisdiction of 134 childcare centres nationwide, and will also be posted on the official YouTube and Instagram channels of the Korea Childcare Promotion Agency-Central Childcare Centre, where anyone can watch them.

In addition, the campaign will create and distribute play materials (sticker books) related to traffic safety and hold a 'photo contest' event to use the play materials. The play materials will be delivered to families through children's centres in 10 childcare centres across the country, and the event will be held for one month from 1 August to 31 August through the Family Safety Campaign's official Kakao channel. To participate in the event, parents can send a photo of themselves and their child practising 'traffic safety in everyday life' with the play materials to the Family Safety Campaign's official Kakao channel. Twenty parents will be selected by lottery to receive a small gift from Volvo Cars Korea.

"As an automotive brand that puts the values of 'safety' and 'family' at the forefront, we have created and distributed this video and materials to raise awareness of traffic safety for both parents and children and to reiterate the importance of safety," said Lee Yoon-mo, CEO of Volvo Cars Korea. "Volvo Cars Korea will continue to carry out various activities to create a safe and happy society for parents and children."

Meanwhile, Volvo Cars Korea and the Korea Childcare Promotion Institute have been running a family safety campaign since May. Volvo Cars Korea and the Korea Childcare Institute have been running the Family Safety Campaign since May, with practical and diverse programmes such as the development and operation of family-friendly programmes, a campaign to encourage fathers to take parental leave, the installation of changing tables in men's toilets, and the production and distribution of traffic safety videos and play materials. To this end, in March, Volvo Cars Korea donated KRW 350 million to the Korea Child Care Institute for the Family Safety Campaign.

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Photo Volvo Cars Korea

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