Stellantis Korea's Bangsil participates in the christening of the CMA CGM container vessel 'Lundale'

Stellantis Korea's Bangsil was invited to the launching ceremony of CMA CGM's 'Rundale' on Monday (27th March) and hosted the event.

The christening ceremony is a ceremony that marks the launching of a new vessel into the water and wishes the ship a safe voyage. It is a long-standing tradition in the maritime shipping industry for the shipowner's designated godmother to lead the ceremony, which includes the unveiling of the ship's name, the cutting of the umbilical cord, which means 'cutting the umbilical cord and giving life', and the 'champagne breaking' to wish the ship a safe voyage.

The godmother is traditionally a female family member of the shipowner or a female celebrity, and in Korea, female celebrities including First Ladies such as the late Mrs Yuk Young-soo have served as godmothers. CMA CGM Group, which organised the christening of the Laundale, has also chosen influential female figures from its partners as godmothers for ship christenings, such as Lee Hae-hee Lee, CEO of Corning Korea, and Adeline-Lise Cope, Economic Attaché at the French Embassy in Seoul.

Invited by CMA CGM, a France-based global provider of maritime, land, air and logistics solutions and a transport partner of the Stellantis Group, as the only female leader in the Korean automotive industry, Ms Bangsil wished the Lundale well on its maiden voyage on Monday (27 March) with a cord-cutting and champagne-breaking ceremony at Mipo Port in Ulsan, South Korea.

방실 대표를 대모로 둔 런데일호는 CMA CGM, HD현대중공업, 아틀랑티크 조선소(Chantiers de l’Atlantique) 등 3사의 협업으로 탄생한 2,000TEU(1TEU=길이 20피트 컨테이너 1개)급 컨테이너 선박으로, 에너지 효율성과 환경 성능을 향상시키는 혁신적 설계를 갖춘 차세대 선박 중 하나다. CMA 탄소중립 전략에 맞춰 친환경성에 중점을 두고 설계됐으며, 액화천연가스(LNG)를 사용해 이산화탄소 배출량을 최대 20%까지 절감한다. 런데일호는 진수식이 열리는 울산에서 항해를 시작해 지중해와 북유럽을 중심으로 다양한 운송 업무를 맡게 된다.

"We are honoured to be the godmother of CMA CGM's christening of the Lundale, a company with common goals with Stellantis, including a zero-carbon strategy and sustainable business," said Ms. Bangsil, CEO of Stellantis. "We wish the Lundale well and hope that the brands under the Stellantis umbrella will take this momentum and sail with her throughout the year."

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