GM Korea launches free inspection campaign for 2024 summer holiday season

GM Korea is launching the "2024 Summer Holiday Free Inspection Campaign" to help customers drive safely and prepare for the increased traffic demands of the summer holiday season. The campaign will be held at approximately 400 GM service centres, including direct and partner service centres, nationwide for a total of three days from the 24th to the 26th, and is available to all Chevrolet and GMC customers.

During the campaign, customers who visit the service centre will receive a free inspection service for seven items, including ▲ engine & air conditioning system ▲ tyres (air pressure/wear level) ▲ brake & pad wear level ▲ coolant ▲ various oils ▲ wipers (arm/blade) ▲ and rest condition.

In addition, we will operate a comprehensive situation room (Chevrolet Customer Service: 080-3000-5000, GMC Customer Service: 080-800-3305) to help customers safely drive their vehicles during the holiday period by ensuring that they can get serviced at the nearest service network anywhere in the country. In addition, in the event of a breakdown or traffic accident, the company will provide emergency roadside assistance and various free inspection services to support customers during the summer holiday season.

Through the end of the year, Chevrolet and GMC customers whose vehicles were flooded or damaged during the summer's torrential rains will receive 50% assistance with the total cost of repairs and a service campaign that will include door-to-door service in areas affected by the flooding.

Meanwhile, with the holiday season in full swing and holidaymakers on the move, GM has some tips for driving safely in light of the longer than usual driving times due to heavy traffic.

A thorough pre-departure vehicle inspection is essential

Before a long drive, it's essential to check the condition of your vehicle. You'll be driving long distances in stop-and-go traffic, so it's important to check the oil and coolant levels. It's also a good idea to check the brake, engine, and automatic transmission fluids and top them up, and stock up on washer fluid just in case.

It's also a good idea to check your tyres for wear and tear and air pressure. It"s also a good idea to check that your headlights are in good working order for night driving and replace them if necessary. You should also check your wipers in case of sudden downpours.

It's a good idea to have your insurance company's roadside assistance number and your vehicle registration in your car in case of an accident. It's also helpful to have a basic first aid kit.

Don't panic if something goes wrong while driving

The most common causes of a car that suddenly breaks down are engine overheating and a dead battery. If the temperature gauge spikes while you're driving, the engine is overheating. Turn off the air conditioning, drive slowly to cool the engine, top up the coolant, and take the car to the nearest mechanic for further checks.

If an accident occurs, stop immediately and use spray paint to mark the location of the vehicle involved and assess the damage. Next, get witnesses and write down the name, address, phone number, driver's licence number and vehicle number of the other driver involved in the accident. Most accidents are two-party accidents, so it's best to move your car to a safe place and let the insurance company take care of it instead of arguing about who's at fault.

Staying fit is important

In the summer, it's easy to become distracted by the heat, and the unfamiliarity of the roads in your holiday destination can make it harder to stay alert behind the wheel. To avoid accidents, make sure you're well rested before you leave, ventilate your car regularly while driving, and stop every hour or two to do some light stretches to warm up.

Article roadtesting editorial (

Photo GM

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