Hyundai launches Longest Run 2024 campaign

Hyundai Motor Company is launching Longest Run 2024, a running campaign for a sustainable future, under the slogan "Longest Run, Planting Trees Together". The campaign was launched in 2016 and is now in its ninth year, with approximately 230,000 participants and a cumulative distance of over 7.02 million kilometres.

The Longest Run 2024 will feature a variety of online events, including the Wooden Badge Challenge, where participants will complete two running missions through the RunDay app, a running and walking coaching application, and the Co-operative Challenge, where all participants will run 81,000 kilometres together, as well as social media content sharing events. The Final Run, an offline event that culminates the Longest Run, will be held on Saturday, 25 May, starting from the Yeouido Park Cultural Courtyard, passing the Seogang Bridge and returning to the return point.

Official partners such as Xemix, BOSS and RunDay will also be on site at the Final Run with plenty of fun activities and eco-friendly programmes.

From Friday 26 April to Wednesday 8 May, Hyundai will be accepting participants for the Longest Run 2024 on a first-come, first-served basis. Participants can join by completing the online event, the Tree Badge Challenge, or by purchasing a KRW10,000 donation ticket at Hyundai SHOP, Hyundai's official online mall.

Customers who apply to test drive IONIQ5 will also be entered into a separate lottery to win a test drive and a ticket to the Final Run, and customers who write the best test drive reviews will receive small prizes. In addition, customers who apply in advance will be able to take the IONIQ5 home for a test drive. For more information on the campaign, please visit the Longest Run event page on Hyundai Motor's website from 9am on the 26th.

"The Longest Run is a running campaign to create a cleaner world, and you can practice the value of sustainability while running with your friends and family," said a Hyundai Motor official. "We will continue to strive for various eco-friendly activities for the coexistence of the earth and people."

Through the Longest Run campaign, Hyundai has been donating trees for planting to the IONIQ Forest, an eco-friendly social contribution programme, since 2016. This year, a total of 3,000 trees will be delivered to the IONIQ Forest after the Longest Run campaign.

Article roadtesting editorial (
Photo Hyundai Motor Company

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