Hyundai Motor recruits for 'Future Mobility School'

Hyundai Motor Company is actively fostering talent for the future mobility industry with the recruitment of the 'Future Mobility School for the second semester of 2024'. The 'Future Mobility School', which will be open from Wednesday, 29 May to Friday, 21 June, will consist of a specialised career education programme for middle schools and creative experience activities for elementary schools to help young people broaden their perspectives on future mobility and explore career paths.

The Future Mobility School, which was developed in 2016 as the first private company to sign a business agreement with the Ministry of Education, has been operating for approximately 95,600 students from 2,355 domestic elementary and secondary schools and overseas schools until the first semester of 2024, and has been steadily gaining acclaim from the education community as a student-led activity program that allows students to experience the development of the mobility industry and the future of innovative mobility technologies such as autonomous driving and robotics.

The Future Mobility School introduces the next generation of mobility solutions and device technologies under the theme of clean mobility and sustainability, and provides educational aids such as mobility upcycling and autonomous driving experience kits to engage the next generation in the classroom.

In addition, teachers from participating schools will conduct classes to improve student achievement through linkages with existing subjects such as science and the environment, and provide online training and teaching guides to improve teacher competence in the field of mobility.

To increase the chances of participation from rural areas and specialised schools, separate screening will be conducted to provide equal educational opportunities for the youth who will lead the mobility industry in the future.

The classes are divided into regular and short-term programmes for secondary school students and elementary school programmes for grades 4-6. The regular secondary programme is themed 'Smart City Life with Clean Mobility', the secondary short-term programme is themed 'Human-centric Future Smart City', and the elementary programme is themed 'Sustainable Daily Life with Future Mobility'.

Based on the trust and know-how gained from running educational programmes in Korea, Hyundai Motor Company has also started to promote educational exchanges with ASEAN countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand in cooperation with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Asia-Pacific Centre for International Education (APCEIU) from 2023. Hyundai Motor Company will support future mobility programmes and provide educational contents on topics such as eco-mobility and smart cities to domestic teachers dispatched to each country. We plan to continue to expand educational exchanges with countries in the Asian region.

Schools interested in participating in the 2024 Future Mobility School can apply from Wednesday, 29 May to Friday, 21 June, and more information can be found by searching for 'Future Mobility School' on Naver.

"The Future Mobility School classes will provide the growing generation with the opportunity to explore their career paths based on their understanding of the next-generation mobility industry," said Hyundai Motor Company. "We will continue to diversify our educational programmes with the future generation to generate continued interest in the mobility industry and gain momentum to create a better future together with them."

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Photo Hyundai Motor Company

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